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Showing posts from May, 2020

Some Positive Occurrences

Hello, welcome back :)). And of course, May the 4th be with you! :) I think this post is pretty self-explanatory; I'll be listing down some of the pleasant stuff that has taken place lately)). 1.)  I've reached a pretty decent, and somewhat unprecedented new height at baking. Or to put it simpler, I decided to challenge myself and have managed to make some nice croissants from scratch. I would have never thought that I'd be able to add this onto my list of things that I occasionally ever so slightly brag about, but here we are :). 2.)  I have FINALLY , and I will emphasise this further, FINALLY  read 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell. For years it has been THE book almost everyone automatically assumed I had read (since I enjoy my classics), and I had to go through the embarrassment of admitting that I hadn't. Honestly, I think this is the accomplishment on this list that I am most proud of. For anyone who hasn't read the book, I really recommend it. ...