Originally, I was planning to call this post 'The Invasion of Koh Larn', but I decided to have mercy on the FBI agent who was assigned to keep an eye on me through my laptop camera. Right, so Koh Larn is one of the many islands just off the shore of mainland Thailand, which, depending where in Thailand you are, you can visit via a quick boat, ferry (or sometimes plane) ride. And that's exactly what a friend of mine and I did just the day before yesterday (Thursday, 18th). I would say the idea was more or less spontaneuos and we brought it into reality rather swiftly. The only thing we were worried about before setting off was THE RAIN. I remember mentioning in one of my prior blogs that we have officially entered the rainy season, so for a while now it was been raining on a very regular basis (just about every day, multiple times a day). Luckily, the universe decided to be on our side on Thursday, and after a small drizzle in the morning, spared the bad weather of...